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The River Rock
The River Rock is a very tall, smoothly sloped rock located on the edge of camp bordered by the river. This is where the leader addresses RiverClan and conducts ceremonies. Rarely is it ever inaccessible due to flooding.
The River Rock is a very tall, smoothly sloped rock located on the edge of camp bordered by the river. This is where the leader addresses RiverClan and conducts ceremonies. Rarely is it ever inaccessible due to flooding.
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Lilykit's Apprentice Ceremony
updated Aug 21, 2018 0:58:21 GMT
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Leader's Den
The Leader's Den is located in a repurposed beaver dam that was abandoned when water levels lowered. It has has been woven with reeds to reinforce it.
The Leader's Den is located in a repurposed beaver dam that was abandoned when water levels lowered. It has has been woven with reeds to reinforce it.
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Medicine Cat's Den
Built into a thick wall of reeds, the Medicine Cat's Den is sheltered well from the elements. It is the farthest den from the river in order to prevent herbs from getting spoiled by moisture and to keep sick and injured cats from needing to move their nests.
Built into a thick wall of reeds, the Medicine Cat's Den is sheltered well from the elements. It is the farthest den from the river in order to prevent herbs from getting spoiled by moisture and to keep sick and injured cats from needing to move their nests.
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yes, but I can't feel my legs...
updated Sept 4, 2018 17:20:13 GMT
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The Nursery
The nursery is located next to the Warrior's den. Like other dens, it is built into the reeds, but walls have been heavily reinforced to keep it - and kits - from being swept away. It is near the river so that the kits may play under watch to become accustomed to the water.
The nursery is located next to the Warrior's den. Like other dens, it is built into the reeds, but walls have been heavily reinforced to keep it - and kits - from being swept away. It is near the river so that the kits may play under watch to become accustomed to the water.
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Future guesed wrong (open)
updated Aug 5, 2018 5:30:23 GMT
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Apprentices' Den
The Apprentices sleep in a den made in tangled reeds. It overlooks the river and is quite open to the camp, making it easy for Apprentices to be fetched for patrols.
The Apprentices sleep in a den made in tangled reeds. It overlooks the river and is quite open to the camp, making it easy for Apprentices to be fetched for patrols.
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Warriors' Den
The Warriors' Den is located nearest to the river, which means it runs the highest risk of being swept away by the currents. However, the reeds which make up its walls and roof are regularly reinforced using sticks and other grasses.
The Warriors' Den is located nearest to the river, which means it runs the highest risk of being swept away by the currents. However, the reeds which make up its walls and roof are regularly reinforced using sticks and other grasses.
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Elders' Den
The Elders' Den is a neatly thatched den of reeds on the far side of camp from the river. It is rather small, but it is very comfortable and runs little risk of being flooded by the river so that elders may remain comfortable.
The Elders' Den is a neatly thatched den of reeds on the far side of camp from the river. It is rather small, but it is very comfortable and runs little risk of being flooded by the river so that elders may remain comfortable.
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RiverClan's camp is a well-drained island bordered by the river and thick walls of reeds. It is well protected from the other Clans, but it comes with the risk of drowning if the river conditions are unsafe.
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